Према одлуци кризног штаба Републике Србије, од 30.06.2020. године, обавезно је ношење заштитних маски у затвореним просторима. Молимо Вас да поштујете мере безбедности приликом посете Медицинском факултету.


IMPULSE (Implementation of an effective and cost-effective intervention for patients with psychotic disorders in low and middle-income countries in South Eastern Europe) is a 3.5 year project funded by the European Commission as part of the Horizon 2020 initiative. The objective of the study is to facilitate the development of DIALOG+ , a technology-based psychosocial intervention, in the region of South Eastern Europe. Researchers from the IMPULSE project aim, with the adoption of DIALOG+, to improve the conditions of people suffering with psychosis and to overcome financial barriers encountered in the treatment of psychosis.

Principal investigator is Prof. Nadja P. Maric, specialist in psychiatry, on behalf of Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade.

More about the study
Impulse Study report

How DIALOG and DIALOG+ can help support recovery from a mental health Illness




2021-07-03T12:10:09+00:00 03.02.2020.|Насловна Слајдер|